[I am quite concerned about the lack of good contemporary tripping instructions in this renaissance of consciousness expansion. The greater medical establishment is still quite likely to label teenagers with temporary psychedelic psychosis as “bipolar paranoid schizophrenic,” load the poor kids up on Haldol or Thorazine until they twitch and drool, and mark them for life with a label they will never live down. You would think that they would know by now that most LSD-stoned people get it back together over a period of time and don’t need heroic measures as much as they need support and love while they recover from their visionary experiences and re-enter ordinary life. 2005] MNC13
Some people have out of body experiences, which are sometimes called astral flights. I think the ability to do astral flight is concomitant with your ability to handle yourself in a completely non-space/time environment. Most of us tend to get a little freaked out when we go into non-space/time. It’s like somebody who can’t swim being heaved into a swimming pool. Astral travel is, I think, a matter of your being able to control yourself while you’re on the astral plane. I think we get on the astral plane every time we get high. MNC41–42
Every time you go into ego death, you have a choice about whether to go back in your bod right away or not. At least that’s what seems to happen, and what other people tell me happens to them – that you have a choice whether to go back right away or not. If you get a little of tired from being out of your bod, then you might wanna hurry back into it. But if you’re gonna be cool, in that intensely relativistic environment, you can learn a lot. MNC42
You have to be careful to keep your balance, when your ups and downs, and your probabilities, and maybe your life and death, are all shifting. If you’re with other people, and somebody gets a little uptight, and that shift some thing, and somebody else gets too elated, and you get out of balance in that direction, you can wallow around a lot. But if everybody can keep it together, then you can get to where you’re stable, and you can jam astrally. I think all of the psychic abilities are at our fingertips at these times, if we can just get cool enough to get past that little scary part. MNC42
[If you’re stoned and looking at somebody, and you see demons,] that means that one or both of you has ambiguous matter in your subconscious. Cop, you know, say what you see. Also, whenever you get into that kind of stuff, what you have to do is always remember that people have a subconscious, and allow them their subconscious. You could say, “You may not be aware of it, but the stuff you’re projecting at me looks pretty wild. We could talk and compare notes and if you want to modify yourself in some way so as to change that, you can, if you want to.” You can’t put anything on anybody, you know, except just tell the truth. MNC68
[If it freaks you out when you look in a mirror while tripping,] it’s probably because you come on to a little vision into your subconscious that you may not really be wanting. Everyone’s subconscious isn’t going to look too good to them, because all of that stuff in your subconscious you rejected once already. That’s how it got there — you rejected it. It’s like keeping a little bag of yucky stuff. When your subconscious opens up and you get to see it, you look into this bag where you’ve been stuffing your rejected stuff – yuck. But it will teach you a lot about humility, and it will teach you a good way to be with other people. MNC84
This is related to both questions of manifesting yourself, and your responsibility to other people. One of the heaviest things you can do for someone is to not be freaked out by them, no matter what they look like. If somebody looks to you for affirmation, and is looking a little scared, you could freak out on them a little bit, because they’re funny-looking. Then, what they pick up off your face is, “Oh… he doesn’t like the way I look. I guess it must be pretty bad.” Then that turns it down a little bit more, and you go, “Ah-ha, look at that!” Then you’re feeding back with each other and making it worse. MNC84
You should try to be solid and real for other people and not be so changeable that your feedback is useless. You have to watch out for that kind of loop and not get caught in it. MNC84
You have to be able to look at anything, because you’re liable to see anything – just flat anything, whatever is imaginable by the mind of God. If you can look at a mirror when you’re tripping, and just be cool behind it, look at what you look like, and not freak out behind it, it can be really good for you. Then, when you look at someone else, you may have seen yourself going through those same gyrations, and you won’t be quite so shocked to see somebody else get hairy like a werewolf, or get fangy or turn green, or whatever it is that you might think is a funny way to look. MNC84
Along with not freaking out on how somebody looks is being able to listen to anything, too. It’s a lot easier to have someone report, “I’m angry with you” than to have them scream and rant and stick it to you — because that will curdle your vibes, rigid up your colloid, and make you like a hard-boiled egg. MNC85
You can definitely control more [of a trip] than the parts you just remember. The way you do that is with a verbal handle – as above, so below. There are several ways of saying that, like reasoning from macrocosm to microcosm. You can just assume that you’re doing on all of the planes about as well as you’re doing on this one – because it’s all here and now, it all relates, and it’s all relative. That’s the Theory of Psychic Relativity. MNC85
And there’s a very important corollary to remember: You can’t go anywhere that you can’t get back from. If you assume that your subconscious is cool, and do your level best, that’s the handle on making it be cool. MNC85
For you to assume it helps to make it happen. You have to be aware of what assuming is, because assuming is a heavy thing. One time I was sitting in a light armchair, and I reached over and picked up a lighter off the table to light the cigarette in my mouth. I didn’t notice that I had my arm underneath the arm of the chair, and so I assumed that there wasn’t anything there. I just went right through it and broke the chair arm, without bruising myself, or hurting myself, or feeling any particular sense of pressure or strain. That’s how it is when you assume something. You just go on ahead and believe that’s the case. That’s a great deal of what the brick-breaking thing in karate is about. You assume that it’s going to break when you hit it, instead of hoping it will. MNC85–86
That’s how much is in one of ’em [a hit of acid], more energy than a human being can handle. And if you have holes in your bucket, it may not seem like very much energy, cause it may be running out of you as fast as it’s running into you. You may have so many holes in your bucket that the juice may not be able to gain on you. Holes in your bucket are like the subconscious selfish places, possibly not even subconscious. The reason you get selfish places in your subconscious is that when you have selfish places consciously you get ashamed of them and shove them down into your subconscious – that’s how they got there. Thing is, you don’t have to be ashamed of a selfish place; you just have to straighten up. The universe doesn’t require that anybody be ashamed, it just requires that you straighten up. MNC136
Life mostly isn’t random. You get back out of it pretty much what you put into it. If you put the real thing into it, you get the real thing back out of it. There’s as much power in anything as you put into it. If you’re a good Catholic, you’re supposed to be able to get it on with a host wafer — a piece of unleavened bread. It’ll get you off if you believe in what’s in it. MNC158
But you can take a ton of psychedelics and make your trip into a honky-tonk circus, if that’s what you put into it. You can take any amount of psychedelics and not get spiritual – it’s possible – because you’re the creator of your trip. MNC158
I think what I spent the most time doing, of all the time I was high, other than the time that was spent grooving and digging it, or digging rock and roll, was working in small groups of people, trying to figure it out, where it was at. You know – “How come you look that way? What’s happening? Hey, what are the vibes like? Anybody else feel this way? What’s going on here?” Working together in small groups of people like that, telling the truth, you can get high. MNC158
You can smoke grass and not get high – then you can tell some truth, and the weed will come on. And you can also get high without the grass, just on the truth. MNC158–159
I have watched many people jump off the psychedelic springboard, into what, you don’t know. There you go. The thing is that what you go into is a place where it’s exactly what you think it’s going to be. It’s going to keep on being what you’re thinking all the time up to and including when you catch on that it’s being what you’re thinking, and it still does it after that. MNC172
I have seen a lot of people go through a thing where the body-mind change happens a lot of times. It’s almost like I see a cat, and he’s got a regulation haircut, he’s wearing fairly tight clothes, a necktie or something, and he starts getting high.The first thing you notice his hair is out a little bit, and he may be into a moustache and sideburns, maybe a paisley necktie and a few buckles and fasteners in odd places on his clothes. Then he starts looking a little scraggly.
Frequently at this place, people start parting their hair in the middle because it ain’t doing it any other way. Might as well do it that way. Sometimes from there, they go off into either a forget-the-bod stage or a glorify-the-bod stage. Sometimes they go into like feather haloes and flowing pastel flowered robes on one extreme, and on the other extreme, into a matted hairball. You watch their head, you know? Sometimes because it’s bothering them because they’re not used to it, they start trimming the hair into fancy shapes and designs, which have so much attention in them that when you pass them stoned, they go flash. MNC172
That’s body and mind all the time. Those minds and those bods are doing all those dances. I think that people go through a day-glo-motif psychedelic, then gradually come around to what I call a “candlelight and old silver” [to quote Rocking Jody MorningStar 2005] psychedelic. Since you can do anything you want, you might as well do it very tasty. MNC172–173
The word stoned, by the way, comes from… there’s a whole bunch of things in our lexicon that people think are just made up, that aren’t — like the word stoned. There is astonied, from the word astonished, and it says, “He fell as one astonied.” And astonishment, that kind of a place, that’s where the root of stoned is. C31OCT70
Peyote’s like the family problem-solver, it’s psychedelic powered group therapy with a set of thousand-year-old ground rules called the peyote ritual. C8NOV70
The peyote ritual is an interesting thing to study, because it’s how a culture who had no ban against psychedelics built a psychedelic ritual over a period of thousands of years in a natural trial-and-error evolutionary basis, and you can look and see how it worked. C8NOV70
Now the peyote ritual has things that seem immediately barbaric perhaps… like there’s a rattle, there’s a staff, and the staff . . . you got a fan with feathers, and you got a rattle. And the staff signifies the same thing the staff always signifies, it signifies kingship or the sceptre. When you’re holding the staff it means that you’re the chief. Well, the staff rotates from person to person around the meeting, and with the staff goes a rattle. The rattle is a rhythm-keeping device. Next to the staff and the rattle comes the drum. C8NOV70
Now the purpose of the drum is that, as each man is holding the staff and the rattle, he then sings his song… each man in a meeting is supposed to sing a song. Well, singing a song is saying his piece. You’re supposed to make up your song extemporaneously on the spot, and I’ve heard men make up songs like… singing, Get it on for Jesus, get it on for Jesus, and ifyou can’t get it on for Jesus get it on for me, cause the peyote’s makin’ me sick. Get it on for Jesus, get it on for Jesus… That was his song. And so the man with the staff and the fan and the rattle is singing his song, saying what he has to say to the meeting. Well, maybe he’s saying, “That cat across the room from me is witchin’ me, that dude across the room ain’t straight, he’s bringing bad vibes in the meeting …” Maybe that’s the song. Or maybe the song is, “I see and understand the relationship of the universe to mankind at this time, and I want to communicate that to y’all …” That might be a song. C8NOV70
The thing with the drum is that nobody has to sing his song without at least one person who has to pay attention to his riff and help him out. So nobody speaks alone; everybody’s got at least one man paying attention and covering for him, helping him out. And that man has got to pay at least good enough attention to drum for him, because the man with the rattle sets the drumming pace, and the man with the drum is supposed to follow and keep him amplified and keep him going. So each person has a chance, with somebody to help him out, to say his thing. And that’s how that ritual was evolved. C8NOV70
Other things in the ritual are like you’re not supposed to walk between certain people at certain times during the ceremony. Well, that means that you ain’t supposed to walk between somebody and the road chief while the road chief is looking in his eyes or anything, because it’s a telepathic communication, and you’d interrupt it… you’d blow their thing by coming through. The rest of the rules are mostly about how not… for people not to blow each other’s thing, how to let the vibes really grow high and stay high. So… very good feelings around peyote, because of its pure thing that way. Nothing ambiguous about it in that sense. C8NOV70
So the first thing that happened when I got stoned was 1 didn’t just turn on…. Well I did in a lot of ways, because there’s that fantastic place where you get stoned, where you say, “Oh yeah? Really? Far out!” And you find out that it’s really cool after all, that God is just and the universe is cool. And that happened. C12NOV70
But a bunch of other things happened too, because taking psychedelics makes you telepathic. Think about the implications of that. What if you be telepathic around people that have funny stuff in their heads. What if you be telepathic around thousands of people at a time that have funny stuff in their heads. That means that your telepathic perceptors can be bombarded with such an input that you can’t integrate it. C12NOV70
Now that happened to the whole Haight Street culture at a point, and that was the beginning of what they call psychedelic art. Psychedelic art is a picture of somebody’s trip when they weren’t able to integrate what they saw. Anybody understand that? C12NOV70
Like the first kind of stuff I saw while tripping was all kinds of things — forms, shapes, colors happening. Then it got so I didn’t see that kind of stuff so much. I just started seeing what was really there in front of me, real good, better than I had ever seen it, so I understood everything that was happening in it. And I realized that all the information I ever needed was right in front of my eyes all the time. C12NOV70
Psychedelic vision at that level— all the little squirls and squigglies and fancies and colors and all that — becomes meaningful information that you can integrate and take information out of and navigate by, just the same as you do ordinary vision. C12NOV70
Well, now I get into the thing of ordinary vision and psychedelic vision. There ain’t no such thing as ordinary vision and psychedelic vision; it’s psychedelic and more psychedelic, because vision at all is psychedelic vision. Having eyes to look out there lets your consciousness out farther. Having ears extends your consciousness out farther. Learning something new extends your consciousness out farther. Learning of the existence of another town over the hill that you didn’t know about extends your consciousness out farther, expands your mind, expands your consciousness.
So everybody all of a sudden learned of whole new planes of existence and got their consciousness expanded. Blew a bunch of minds, including mine. I was really nutty for a while. I’d go around, I’d try to put on people what I was seeing, and they’d say, “You’re crazy, man.” I’d say, “All right.” But the next trip I’d look and there it would be again. C12NOV70
I started taking psychedelics so far back that it was considered to be a random experience, that you didn’t know what was going to happen, just a random old thing. And then I started seeing the same kind of thing happen over and over again. I started seeing that there was some stuff in there that wasn’t random at all; it was very orderly… that if you said something that was a downer it ran the juice out, that if you told a lie you’d drop your energy, if you were mean to someone you’d drop your energy, if you went on an ego trip you’d drop your energy … it would get weird. If someone who was on the trip with you wasn’t being straight with you it would get the trip weird for everybody. C12NOV70
When it started finally, it started with the concept of the contact high. This is an interesting idea. They talked about how one of the first things they learned about psychedelics was that somebody who was on them could get somebody who wasn’t on them high just by being in contact with them. Known as the contact high. Well, if you stop and think about that for a minute, it’s an outrageous thing. What it means is the message of stonedness is sent telepathically. Right? You can send any kind of message including stonedness as a telepathic message. That’s how you can get a contact high. And you never come down. Did you know that? How many people didn’t know that you don’t come down from psychedelics? Raise your hands. How many people didn’t know? I bet even more than that, because that’s an outrageous thing to say. C12NOV70
The first time that I smoked grass I was seventeen, and I smoked it with a fellow who kind of played with my mind for a while. He took me out to the edge of a curb and he said, “Look down there at the edge of that canyon. See the rocks and the rapids? See the white water breaking around the rapids?” And he pushed me off… and other games like that for a while. So 1 didn’t smoke any more grass for ten years. C13NOV70
…And on my twenty-seventh birthday this dude came into my study where I was writing and stuck this pipe in my mouth—a carved pipe with a little lid on it like a German windproof pipe — and said, “Smoke this stuff.” And it was real honest-to-God Acapulco Gold, and I took several giant tokes on it, and I got kind of telepathic. And I’d look at this dude I was turning on with and in the back of my mind I’d think, I feel like I know what’s in his mind. I wonder if that’s really just an illusion from this kind of dope? And his eyes would sparkle back at me and I’d think, Wow, looks like he really knows. And it got all golden and I felt good. It was my birthday party and I felt stoned on Acapulco Gold and everybody was being good to me and giving me presents. And I woke up in the morning and said, “I’m going to do a lot of that.” C13NOV70
I’ve been in San Francisco for about five years watching the community, meeting with fifteen hundred people each Monday night and being able to take a rather large statistical percentage of the psychedelic population of the world. I’ve been able to watch people over a period of five years and I have some better statistics, I think, actually, on what the effect of drugs are on the mind than pretty much anybody else. The scientific method, as used in the laboratory, has hampered the medical world from getting an accurate idea of the nature of drugs. What I’ve found is that, as anywhere else, if you keep your wits together and if you work at it and if you try hard and pay attention, that psychedelics can be used for growth. I don’t think we need speed, heroin, or barbiturates. C16NOV70-2
I’ve taken a lot of psychedelics, but I don’t have to be shown the splendors of the universe any more times to make me know they’re real. I don’t have to be given that vision any more times to know it’s real because I see it all the time now. C16NOV70-2
I have no way of knowing from here [if I would have found the splendors of the universe without psychedelics]. All I can say is that I was along into middle life and hadn’t heard of them as yet. Somehow or other I got that standard American Christmas-card education about religion that didn’t have any juice in it, and I didn’t know that there was anything heavy or had been heavy, and psychedelics were the first thing that attracted my attention from the time I was about three years old and decided that I had it figured out. If you can get your mother snowed when you’re a year old so you have her rigged, you don’t have to grow emotionally from then on. You can grow physically and chronologically and not grow emotionally at all, just so your getting-things machine is honed down fine enough that you have your mother trained. There are people walking around all over the streets, emotionally one, two, three, four, five years old, whatever place they managed to do that at, if they did that. C16NOV70-2
[How do I use psychedelics in teaching religion?] Jesus taught that what they call the hereafter or other world or spirit world or something like that was not something that was far away but was immediate. He said, “The Kingdom is at hand.” He didn’t mean that it was going to happen any minute, he meant right there. What he calls the Kingdom is what the Japanese Zen Buddhists call Buddha’s Pure Western Land. C16NOV70-2
Now there are several ways that you can attain to Nirvana. You can do like a purely intellectual method where you come to understand the nature of the universe in its truthfulness till you see how everything works, and then you’re at peace with the universe because you see everything following its laws. Now that’s a way that you might consider coming around to achieving a nirvanic place. You see, a nirvanic place is peaceful — you don’t want to change anything because you understand how it works and you’re willing to work with how it works. This is the Jewel in the Lotus, the attainment of Nirvana. C16NOV70-2
Now most of the religious teachings of the world are about ways to prepare yourself to develop enough moral character so that if it ever gets heavy for you, somehow or other you’ll make the straight on, strong human decisions that’ll stone you, and that’s why they’re teaching moral structure from the very earliest thing. Now we’re in a time of low moral structure. I have to say. I’m fairly liberal in a lot of places but I think we’re too far out into pornography and sadism and that kind of thing. I don’t like to see the kind of stuff I’m seeing in movies, television, that kind of business, terrible stuff actually. That stuff on the television is a product of our national subconscious. C16NOV70-2
With psychedelics you can see the workings of that world – the subconscious — you can see the figure-ground shift. Most of what we see is an agreement of what we pay attention to as being important and the other stuff we don’t pay attention to as being unimportant. For instance, this room is in your subconscious and as such looks a certain way. That means that you take this room for granted. You be here all the time, this is the room you always meet in, you’re kind of used to it. It’s a plain old room, so you’re not paying any attention to it. From a stoned viewpoint the room comes on to me rather science-fictiony and a little like 2001 . . . pretty spacey actually. A funny way to arrange monkeys. That’s an example of a kind of perception. Someone who smokes cigarettes, for instance, has subconscious habit patterns because that’s the only way you can smoke cigarettes is that—if you’re going to smoke twenty a day or so—you develop subconscious habit patterns. C16NOV70-2
That stuff stands out to the eye that is seeing the subconscious—those habit-run gestures. You can see to the point of flat-out telepathy what’s going on in another person’s mind. You can see their aura and know from what color their aura is what their emotional temperament is. Sometimes you can see little pictures floating around their head with pictures of their thought content in it. I was high one time with a fellow who just had a new girl friend who he was just really mind-blown over, really enamoured of completely, and we were sitting together looking at each other and enjoying the hallucinations, which is like reading each other’s minds—it’s pretty stoned in here now too—and I saw a bunch of little pictures around his head which were shaped like television things, round corners except some triangular and some oblong and whatnot, little-shaped things around his head, and there was a picture running inside each one. In one picture she was leaning back unsnapping her bra, and in another picture she was just getting out of the bath, and all that kind of thing, and his head was full of these pictures of his new lady, and I could look into his mind like that and see his most intimate things, thinking about being with his lady. C16NOV70-2
Well, some people see that sort of thing and think that they’re the only one that sees that, and that tends to drive them crazy sometimes, because they see what’s in people’s heads, and you see outrageous stuff sometimes in people’s heads because there’s lots of very nice folks carrying very Freudian subconscious, which to that eye is really visible, and you get a sixteen-year-old with the eye of the teacher — the ability to see men’s souls — walking down skid row looking at the souls, and he freaks out. That’s one of the ways people can freak out. Or a couple of people who think they know each other come on together and look at each other and sec that they don’t know each other at all and say, “What am I doing here with you? Who are you anyway?”… also can happen. C16NOV70-2
I took a lot of psychedelics. I didn’t have much happen about the first five times, and about the sixth time I had a white light experience, which was the ecstasy trip that they talk about. White light and bodily ecstasy. But I didn’t learn anything from it. But somewhere along the line it got to where it wasn’t freaky, and it wasn’t strange, and it wasn’t a weird trip anymore. It was just like seeing where people were really at, and I found that if I came on to somebody where they were really at, as I could see it, that I could make their subconscious conscious, which is to perform the act that a priest is supposed to perform in confession, or that a psychiatrist is supposed to perform in therapy. In either case it makes people sane. C16NOV70-2
And people who learn how to do that together have been accumulating more and more since then so that there’s thousands of us actually now who really understand how that kind of thing works, and who are doing our best to try to make all of us sane faster, so that we can get the group head of the nation saner faster, because it’s a little nutty in spots. Enlightenment is much like sanity, or being a grownup. C16NOV70-2
The classical enlightenment path is schizophrenia. That’s that place where it says, “If you can, when you’re in the dark night of the soul, call on me, I will come and be with you,” and means that if you go stone crazy to that weird psychedelic- looking place, that if you can come on not for yourself but for mankind, and if you can ask for help humbly and honestly from that place, that you can figure-ground it out to enlightenment. You can be crazy or enlightened depending on what kind of trip you’re having, if you’re having a good trip, if it’s good enough, you’re enlightened, if you’re having a bummer, you’re just another one having a bummer. C22NOV70
[Would I say a lot of people freak out because they can’t accept ego loss?] Right, I think that’s the only thing anybody ever freaks out over is because they can’t accept ego loss. I don’t think there’s anything else that freaks you out. You can handle anything else except, “Oh my precious thing! You don’t mean that one!” And the universe says, “Yeah, that’s the one we want.” You know, the universe don’t want anything but all you got. And then you’re cool if you can gracefully let go of it, but if you don’t, it’ll just slam you up against the wall a few times until you straighten up or get tired of tripping and come down and say, “Wow, that was a funny trip.” C22NOV70
[Why do some people get high spontaneously?] Saul of Tarsus was trying to put a shoe on his horse and the Holy Spirit hit him so hard it knocked him on his can and he didn’t even care. Changed his name. How come? He had good karma or something. I know lots of folks that are stoned on the natch, and it’s a groovy thing, but the core of that question is if you never heard of being stoned, what would ever turn you on to try to do it? That’s where I was at. If I’d ever heard of getting stoned any time previously to getting stoned, I would have got that way then. C22NOV70
You can’t really bust your ego, you know. Your ego is your viewpoint, and if you lose it, you haven’t got a viewpoint and you aren’t in this plane anymore. That’s called dying.
When they say ego death it means your ego experiences what it’s like to die, but you come back because it’s not your time yet. C22NOV70
The thing about ego death is your ego comes right back as soon as it’s killed. It comes right back, but if you take the care to keep it straight you can just watch what’s going on out there and don’t think about what’s going on in here — don’t think, “How am I doing,” or, “Gee, I’m neat.” If you take care of business out front, then you don’t get into ego trouble, but if your ego, which is your viewpoint, gets into rear-view mirrors like, “Look at me, ain’t I pretty,” or whatever kind of ego trip it is…. C22NOV70
Ego ranges from, “Look at me, ain’t I pretty,” which is kind of naive ego, on out into, “I don’t see anybody else but me,” which is where you romp on people because you’re so oblivious to anybody else. C22NOV70
Here’s the thing about a rear-view mirror: It may show you the thing in back, but it also blots out that piece of the scenery that’s behind the mirror. People can get so many mirrors stacked up that they ain’t even seeing the scenery anymore. All they’re seeing is themselves. That’s a real ego problem. C22NOV70
Now psychedelics and truth and good friends and watching a baby born or watching somebody die or anything like that can bring you around to the realization that you ain’t the only monkey on the planet. And if you can snap to the realization that you ain’t the only monkey on the planet, then you can get so you ain’t so obnoxious that you make it bad for the other monkeys. Then that’s not having an ego problem. C22NOV70
I’ve had to cop to psychedelics because they taught me where my Higher Self was – that I had one. I can find it now with or without. Well I really think that psychedelics are going to help get this country different. Psychedelics have already got this country different a lot. I think I can make folks understand about organics, and I’m willing to go ahead being a psychedelic-type teacher on the basis of doing it with organics… what grows in the woods…. But I ain’t willing to do that for acid, because it’s got too funny a name; too many weird people have done too many weird things on it. if I’m talking to anybody about acid I’d like to explain about how I saw the nature of the universe and my Higher Self and not have to explain other folks’ weirdnesses. This is a policy place we’re making because it’s going to be a while before we have another chance to make a change like this. But I want to be able to say that we ain’t taking acid, and have it be the truth. C29NOV70